Welcome to LPL Legal Nurse Consulting, LLC
LPL Legal Nurse Consulting specializes in record review, written reports, and translation of medical jargon. We partner with both the defense and plaintiff counsel and any others seeking the expertise of a nurse consultant to provide the necessary medical information needed.
About Us
Leah Pavlosky, RN, BSN
With over a decade in the medical field, my experience includes EMS, primary care, urgent care, camp nursing, and hospital nursing. Through each one, I have grown in my ability to see the full picture, understand the disease process and the physiology behind it, think critically, respect individuality, communicate effectively, and advocate for the patient and their family. I look forward to utilizing my knowledge for both the defense and plaintiff counsel and others in need of legal nurse consulting.
Emergency Room
Intensive Care Unit
Primary Care
Wound Care
Urgent Care
Camp Nursing
Bedside Nurse
Charge Nurse
Trauma Responder
Preceptor (for over 12 new hires)
Committee member
Rising Star
Valor (Warrenton Fire and EMS)
Nursing Star
ATCN Instructor
Stop the Bleed
LNC Exchange
The Work We Do
LPL Consulting has the answers and can provide a concise written report to alleviate unnecessary time spent combing through medical records. Does this case have merit? Was the standard of care breached? Did they document appropriately? What does this medical word mean? We can tell you, show you, and write it down for you. We work very closely with our clients to ensure we meet their individual needs.
Screen cases for merit.
Define the applicable standards of care.
Define deviations from and adherences to the medical professional standard of care.
Assess the alleged injury and/or damages and identify factors that caused or contributed to injuries/damages.
Organize, summarize, translate and interpret medical records.
Identify tampering in the medical record.
Review and identify relevant medical records, hospital policies and procedures, other essential documents and tangible items.
Develop written reports for use as study tools by the attorney.
Produce exhibits for trials and depositions
Types of Cases
Litigation Support
Medical Malpractice
Personal Injury
Criminal Cases Involving Injury
General Negligence
Workman’s Compensation or Workplace Injuries
Specialty Cases
Intensive Care Unit
Wound Care
Emergency Department
ACLS and PALS Cases
General Nursing Care Cases